Warmth, wisdom and a spectacular sense of curiosity are key ingredients in the MALI way of working. We believe in the idea of designing Main Street: that where your business is–right exactly now–is vital and deserving of transformative, accessible creative that captures the attention and hearts of the people who need you most. 

Authenticity has an unmistakable aroma. The discerning sniffers of your future customers are finely attuned, and craving connections with brands that go far beyond the empty taglines of yester-year. As friends and neighbors, we’re here to help you build those bridges. Let’s talk.

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Above all, I was consistently impressed by their grasp of the nuances of my business, ability to always make me feel like a part of the team, not to mention a wicked sense of humor. I adore MALI and the world they created for us.


Mali & Friends is an award-winning design agency based in downtown Long Beach, CA. For years we’ve been hustling humbly, passionate about the people we meet and the impact of the work we create together. Below are just a few ways we harness high design and a dose of scrappiness to bring brands to life:  

Recent Work

A few of our friends:


Good design is beautiful. Great design is a mirror. The best part of what we do is help folks like you amplify and reflect their vision with unmistakable clarity. After you drop a few details in our form, a team member will be reaching out to set up a time to talk about your next step, and how we can help you walk with confidence. Smell you later.

The (ad)venture begins